Wednesday, July 20, 2016


It's been so long since I've updated you guys...but that's mostly because I haven't really done anything as far as treatment. As you can see, my keloid is worst than ever. :/
It's really grown and is bulging, bumpy, dark red, and man---is it painful!
I really messed up. I have been uninsured for the past year, so I haven't seen any no treatments. I tried REALLY hard to ignore the scar. I told myself, maybe I could live with it. It's not a big deal.

It IS a big deal though! When it gets so painful, that it's hard to sleep---I cannot ignore it any longer.
Trying to see a doctor via Medi-Cal was a JOKE! HA! SO found out really quick that there are no plastic surgeons/scar specialists that are covered through Medi-Cal. I tried to see someone through my University's Health Center, but they are really just there to refer out...

Anyway, I finally bit the bullet---and am paying $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for Kaiser (Silver Plan! haha).
It's costs as much as a new car payment, but what choice do I have?

Starting Aug 01, I will be covered! I'll be seeing a new doctor. I want to start on Kenalog injections again, and see where that goes. I recently moved too, so I'm hoping my new doctor will be more supportive of my scar treatment process. Wish me luck everyone! I'll make sure to update more frequently!

Current Treatment: Silicon sheets only (drug store brand), sometimes I use prescribed Cordran tape (but I'm running out soo I've been using it sparingly)
Progress: None
Plan: Find a new doctor stat!


  1. Keloids happen from the overgrowth of scar tissue. Keloids Symptoms happen at a site of previous skin damage. Natural Herbs Clinic is a resource where you can easily obtain Keloids Natural Treatment without any side effects.

  2. The keloids symptoms include raised tissue that is generally accompanied by tough itching, sharp, needle-like pains, and changes in texture, although the degree of all these depends upon the individual and the harshness of the keloids.

  3. Hi there! I hope this message finds you well. I stumbled upon your blog as I was looking for before and after pictures of keloid treatments. I'm a fellow keloid sufferer myself, and also have them right where you do and also more on my back so I know how frustrating it is! I started my treatment with Dr. Karamanoukian in Santa Monica in May and my keloids are almost completely gone! I know it might be difficult for you to visit him if you're not in the area but I was blessed to live near his office. I saw him every week for 3 months straight and they are completely flat and now I am just having lasers to remove the redness. I found him through A Scarred Beauty's blog and I hope you can find a way to see him too if your current treatments aren't working. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at all!

    1. Please give me
      Your email. I have slot of questions on this! Thank you!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi Tiffany!

    I would love to connect over email to hear more about what you're doing about your keloids. Would you please email me at

    Looking forward to connecting!

  6. LiquidRx skin aid terbukti bisa menghilangkan bekas luka dan keloid dengan cepat, tepat dan efektif. aman digunakan serta sangat cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

    sumber: Penghilang Bekas Luka

  7. Keloids Natural Treatment on the most proficient method to dispose of scars at home. "Kleneton" is a finished natural and herbal supplement for Keloids Herbal Treatment. A few studies supported this property of herbal product and fortified the way that this herbal supplement is effective against any serious type of keloids. Kleneton is an extreme answer for Keloids Natural Treatment and old scar prescribed by Herbs Solutions By Nature. This herbal product is totally made with herbal ingredients and 100% effective and safe to use.
