Saturday, September 10, 2016

Intense Light Pulse Laser & Steroid Injections

I had an appointment for a consultation with a Cosmetic & Plastics Specialist yesterday. I've been contemplating whether or not to reach out to specialists in the Los Angeles area, but thought I should do some research for people around my area first (San Francisco Bay).

Anyway, the appointment went well. I explained to my doctor that I've been getting on and off treatments for my scars for a few years but I was interested in other approaches.
She suggested that we try intense pulse light laser treatments, immediately followed by steroid injections for 4 weeks at a time. So I had my first pulse light treatment, which was super quick!

Pulse Light Laser:
Basically, I sat down on a chair (kinda looked like a dentist chair), and she put googles on me to protect my eyes from the laser flashes. I didn't feel any pain. It just felt like quick puffs of air, and flashes of heat. It kind of reminded me of camera lights flashing. It probably lasted less than 5 minutes altogether.

Right after the pulse light laser treatment, she asked me to take the googles off and immediately injected my scars with kenalog steroid. I don't miss these haha.
I must have looked scared, because she had to remind me to breathe.

Anyway, I took off my band aids this morning...

Here is a picture of what it looks like today. I know it's not going to get better overnight but keeping my hopes up that I will see some progress in the next coming months...

The doctor also mentioned that the laser treatments usually will make your scars appear purple/more red before lightening it up (like a bruising effect).
Anyway, I scheduled my next appointment for next month. Praying that this will work!!


  1. Hi! I'm so happy to find your blog, as I am also a young woman in San Francisco with chest keloids. :) Since May, I've been seeing a local cosmetic dermatologist for steroid injections and v-beam laser treatments. My scars have noticeably softened, lightened, and flattened, though a couple of them are stubborn bastards. I expect that I will need at least a few more sessions to achieve decent results. I know how frustrating/depressing/painful keloids can be, so I hope you start to see results very soon!! - Dee

  2. A keloid will tan darker than the skin around it if presented to sun amid the principal year after it frames. The darker shading may not leave. Keloids Symptoms include: Pigmentation of the skin, Irritation, Pain, Affectability, Redness, etc.

  3. Hi ! i too have keloid on my chest . I started steroid treatment in Nov, 2014 and continued till this May. My keloid had flattened out completely. My doc then advised me to take a gap from treatment just to see how the keloid would react. As of this month,my keloid is raised and super itchy . I am going to resume the treatment : (

  4. LiquidRx skin aid terbukti bisa menghilangkan bekas luka dan keloid dengan cepat, tepat dan efektif. aman digunakan serta sangat cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

    sumber: Obat Penghilang Bekas Luka

  5. Hey so I just stumbled across this blog and I too have been suffering from chest keloids for a long time (10 years). How did your recent treatment go? Shoot me an email if you'd like!

  6. My heart goes out to you; in a sense I feel some of your pain as I have successfully treated several patients with Chest keloids, but these keloids can be really troublesome.

    For long standing, recurrent keloid, such as the one you document on your blog, the best treatment modalities that will give you cure are cryotherapy and SRT.

    Cryotherapy for your type of keloid is performed in a special way and not by needle insertion; as generally, chest keloids are too flat for the cryo needle.

    I am a plastic surgeon based in Abuja, Nigeria. Unfortunately I am far from your location, but there is a dermatologist in NYC who does this special type of cryotherapy. If you want further guidance please write to me at
