Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm back...


It's been about a year since my surgery, and my scar is back :(

Super itchy. Super shiny. Super painful and annoying as ever.

When I graduated from college, I lost my health insurance and could no longer pay for my doctor visits.
Because I could not afford it, I stopped my scar treatments and follow-up appointments.

I came back to blogger, and was very inspired by my commenters.
There is so little research and information about keloids out there, but this also means that there are A LOT of people out there who want to know more about keloids! Because of the responses that I've gotten from sharing my story...I am inspired to keep sharing. We deserve it.

If there is a treatment that works, I want to share it. If there is a treatment that hasn't worked, I want to share it.

Thank you for sharing your story and for reading mine.


  1. Hi, after your surgery, the keloid must have grown back gradually right? Did you do anything while the keloid was growing back? Like steroid injections or did the doctor do radiation treatment?

    I have two keloids on my chest as well and I'm considering surgery.

    1. I would suggest you avoid surgery because keloids seem to love it! They grow back bigger and stronger! I had laser, cryotherapy, steroid injections, pressure garment and silicone treatments done. The most effective for me were pressure garments and silicone treatments. I used pressure garment on a 10 year old scar and that flattened and stayed flat. The ones on my chest are still nice and robust. So STAY AWAY from surgery!!

  2. I've had a keloid on my chest since I was a pre-teen and had it removed numerous times. One time included post-removal radiation. Each time the keloid came back bigger than before. My mom finally took me to see a plastic surgeon at Mayo Clinic. They stressed that removing keloids is rarely successful; the best approach is a more conservative approach using steroid injections, silicon sheeting and laser treatments (to reduce redness). This was almost 12 years ago, so perhaps things have changed and there are better options out there now. But, I did do a series of steroid injections followed by wearing silicon sheeting daily. I ordered special medical tape online that would hold the sheeting flat against my chest. It was a long process but it worked. Over time, my keloid flattened out - it's barely raised at all now - and then I had some laser treatments to reduce the redness. It's still there, but not very noticeable and it looks like a more "normal" scar now. I started wearing low-cut shirts and I've grown to accept it and not really be that bothered by it. My last treatment was over 10 years ago and my scar is still flat and relatively pale.

    If you continue to seek treatment, I'd suggest working with a plastic surgeon and not a dermatologist.

  3. I too am wishing a cure is found..I have several scars which, over the years, have caueed me to have very lowceelf esteem..and every surgery has caused them to grow uncontrollably. What do you do.sigh

  4. I have 3 bad keloids on my chest, and sterios injections only help temporarily and they still keep growing so I got cryo surgery done, only to have them grow back bigger :( its more itchy and painful.. I wish there was a solution for this

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  6. Certain Keloids herbal remedies have been originate to be effective in curing keloids. Applying apple cider vinegar on the scar repeatedly, four to five times daily, could support to decrease the scar and cure irritation. Crushed garlic or garlic oil might support to heal keloids. Keloid can be recovered by applying tea tree oil on the scar.

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