Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Infected Keloid (Do not read if squeamish)

I live in California, and last week the weather was pretty extreme. We had 90-100 degree weather which aggravated my keloids on my chest. I had trouble sleeping at night, and my keloids were extra sensitive to the touch. I couldn't even put on my seatbelt correctly, because the belt hurt my scars so badly. By the end of the week, I think my biggest keloid scar was infected. It grew a blister like bump on top of the keloid. It was soft to the touch (not like that of a regular keloid). Keloids are often stiff and tough, but the new bump that grew atop of my keloid was soft and I don't know a better word to describe it---"squishy." It felt like a blister. I tried to release the pain by poking a clean (sanitized) needle through it, but nothing happened.

Monday night, I took a picture of my keloid before I went to sleep.

Pretty nasty, right?
It felt pretty nasty too.

Anyway, I set an appointment to see a Dermatologist for the next day (Tuesday) after I took this picture.

The first place I called said they didn't have any appointments until November 6th. It was so bothersome. I was so stressed out. I called different hospitals to see someone the next day. Luckily, someone cancelled their appointment and I was able to see someone at Oakland Kaiser. It wasn't my regular Dermatologist, but I was glad someone was taking a look at it.

The next day when I was getting ready for my Dermatology appointment, I noticed that my white shirt had a small stain where my keloid was located. Then, I noticed that my keloid was wet. I think what happened was that my keloid released the "infected" blood when I was asleep. Basically, it bursted on its own.

Anyway, my doctor referred me to the Plastics Surgery Department. I have an appointment to see them next week.

Until next time!


  1. Hi. How are your keloids now?

  2. How is your keloid now, hope they have reduced in size.
    Let us know the state of your keloid.

    1. They are slowly getting more flat. I've been applying Cordran Tape to them everyday---I change it twice everyday.

      Here's a link:

  3. The list of Keloid Symptoms and signs mentioned in various sources for Keloid includes the 3 symptoms are Local irritation or pain, Dome shaped scar which extends beyond the injury, Red or dark in color. "
