Friday, August 14, 2020

Stanford Plan

 So, after my last post—I was determined to make an appointment with my doctor at Stanford Health in Palo Alto, CA. During my appointment, he consulted with another practitioner—and they both agreed that they can try to excise my scar and treat it with laser therapy post surgery. I was hesitant when he first mentioned this treatment modality, because I’ve done an excision procedure before and my scar came back bigger!

However, I do trust him and am willing to try again. Perhaps I wasn’t getting the best treatment before, but my new doctor has a plan. We are waiting for my insurance to approve the procedure and treatment, and I might be doing this at the end of the summer. Will keep everyone posted!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I live locally in the Bay Area too and have a chest keloid as well. I heard the “z pasty” for scar revisions works good. It cuts out the keloid, but in a “z” shape so it eases the tension of the way the scar expands resulting in a less noticeable scar.

  3. Hi,

    First of all I thanks to you for maintaining blog since 2010 - especially Keloid information.

    I found your blog while browsing Keloid information in internet.

    I am also suffering from Keloids since 18 years. Currently I have Keloids few are in my chest and few are in stomach. Really worrying how to get rid of these keloids. Could you please share best treatment i.e. Steroid Tape or Steroid injections or Surgery?


    1. Hi Satla, It's hard to say what the best treatments are because keloids are so unpredictable. Things that I've tried are kenalog injections which work...but once you stop the scar comes back. I've also had surgery to remove the keloid, and it came back again...I'm set to have another excision surgery and hoping for better results this time.

      Silicon tape and injections really helped maintain my scars. It made my scars less itchy and painful, but it was a lot of work and I had to go to the doctor's office every 6-10 weeks.
