Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hello! Here’s just a quick update, not much has changed! In this pic, I have cordran tape on my scars. My doctor asked me to take a break from the steroid shots, and I was due for an injection this month—but just started a new job so I wasn’t able to get an appointment. I’ll be booking an appointment for the next week!

Also, I’ve been reading your comments. Thank you for the words of encouragement, sharing your treatment stories, and letting me know that I am being heard on this platform. I share such similarities to what you have shared. I’m rethinking radiation, and maybe thinking about contacting a specialist for cryotherapy. I’ll keep you posted when I’ve decided which route I’ll be going. 

I too, get discouraged when I’m picking out my clothes or am shopping for tops because it’s such a huge part of my identity. I’m always trying to find the perfect top that hides me scar. I know that the scar is part of me, but it’s such easier to hide it then having to explain what it is and how I got it. 

I’m working up the courage to not care as much, but it’s not easy. 


  1. Hi, why are you rethinking radiation? Just curious, it's a path that I may take for treatment since it appears to be the most effective.

  2. Also, thanks for keeping us updated!

  3. please use gold or copper or silver as your geni
