Friday, November 7, 2014

sinking in the middle of the larger keloid.


  1. I have had one in the same area for 22 years. Don't give up! Check out the blog scarred beauty if you haven't already. She has had amazing success with her chest keloid revision. Her scar was much larger than yours or mine. I would love to do the treatments she is doing if I could find a doctor I could afford.

    1. Hi Jessie!
      I have been following Christy for some time now :)

      How is your scar doing?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah I feel your pain. I have one on my cheat as well. It sucks since it affecting my self confidence and self esteem. I can't wear the clothes I want to wear such as swim suits or tank tops... I don't really want to wear crew neck shirts the rest of my life :(

    1. Hopefully there will be a cure and we won't have to hide our scars forever.

  4. Yeah I feel your pain. I have one on my cheat as well. It sucks since it affecting my self confidence and self esteem. I can't wear the clothes I want to wear such as swim suits or tank tops... I don't really want to wear crew neck shirts the rest of my life :(

  5. As the premier services of scar removal and dark eye circle removal, White Rock Laser Clinic in Langley City, Canada is committed to deliver services to clients with desired results. We offer a cost-effective service that caters the needs of clients. The company’s aim is to offer outstanding level of service and care.

  6. Keloid212 has good info about keloids.

  7. Keloid212 has good info about keloids.
