Tuesday, April 25, 2017

On the road to recovery again...

Sept 2017 vs. April 2017

This would be my third keloid injection this year (Jan, March now April)
My doctor usually uses lidocaine cream to numb my scars before injecting them with 40mg Kenalog (while the nurse sprays it with a numbing biofreeze). It makes the injections way more tolerable!

My doctor wants to try one more round before giving it a break. She says it's not good to keep injecting it, and that she wants to see how my skin will react. If the keloid starts to itch and grow again, then I will go back in for another round of shots.


  1. Girl, I feel ya. I have one as well in the same spot. Best wishes on getting it removed.

  2. Hi I just ran across your blog. I have had a chest keloid for 17yrs. From a pimple that I picked. I'll cut to the chase and won't mention the various things I've tried to get this thing to go away. We all have done this or that. But last summer (August) I finally got Cryoshape done to it. It's probe they stick through the scar and freeze it from the inside out. It's been a long road to recovery (which in some ways is still happening). About 6wks after the procedure I for kenelog and 5fu injections. I got several kenelog and 5fu injections over the past few months and my scar is now flat and pain free. Oh I should mention it was itch and pain free after the Cryoshape. Now I see my dermatologist 2x a week to help the pigment return with Excimer laser. I'm African American and the scar is fleshy pink-so very noticeable. Excimer laser is used to treat vitiligo patients but can take time...I'm hoping by the end of this summer the scar will match the rest of skin tone enough that I'm not overly self-conscious about wearing low neck tops. I do have one concern though, it seems that since I've started the Excimer treatment 3eks ago one end of the scar will occasionally itch. I'm going to bring this up to my dermatologist when I see her again this week.Perhaps get another kenelog/5fu injection.The scar was healing/healed and basically had no itching or pain for 8-9mo. Makes me wonder if these scars are "allergic" to the sun? Excimer laser is concentrated UV. Have any of you experienced this? More itching with sun exposure. I have always kept mine covered out of embarrassment. If so it will put me in a peculiar predicament because while I don't want the scar to become active again I also don't want fleshy pink toned scar that's (better looking than the keloid) equally as obvious as the keliod. Any advice?

    1. I have multiple keilod in the same spot just as large and it was just as inflamed last year Dec 2016. I started seeing Dr. Cori Stern then and a few of my keiold that I've been suffering with for 8 years have completely healed and gone awaywithout a trace. She has me change my diet slightly and massage wheat germ oil into the scar. There's also a cold laser she uses just once a week. The scar's itching and pain is greatly reduced and soon it shrinks in size and flattens out. Later the color purple turns to red then your natural pigment, next it just vanishes. It's amazing. I wish I found this natural inexpensive treatment years ago.

  3. Following your journey good luck

  4. Hi Can I have your email about keloid treatment cost?
    I'm an international student with chest keloid and looking for the treatment here, but I heard that it's kinda expensive.

    I need your advice, it hurts and so annoying a lot :(

    my email @sachasrichaiya@gmail.com
    thank you

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  6. Hi,
    Nice post! Thanks for sharing such an amazing keloids treatment Tip blog.

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