Friday, November 23, 2012

Healing Well

Morning Before Surgery:

One Week After Surgery:

Hey guys!
So, as you can tell from the picture, I am healing very well!
Because my skin is so acne prone, my doctor prescribed me clindamycin phosphate topical lotion so that I won't develop any black heads in my surgery scar. On my last visit, I had all my stitches removed and the doctor noticed that I had developed a black head in my scar. She was able to removed it, but she wanted me to apply the clindamycin lotion on my scar 2 times a day so that the healing process would be 100%. In my opinion, it looks great!

I am also starting to use Scarguard MD which is supposed to diminish the appearance of scars. You can learn about them here:
They are not paying me to put their name out there or anything, and to be honest, I don't even know if it works. But I'll keep you updated, and if it works for me, then I'll definitely let you know.


  1. glad to here things are progressing for more info and ideas on flattening Keloids try this free resource

  2. Hey! Thanks for sharing your story. Thank you for using Scarguard MD! We’d like to invite you to share your testimonial with our fans, and have the opportunity to be featured on the Scarguard page and obtain free Scarguard products. If interested, please let us know and we will supply further instructions.

    We look forward to hearing from you!


    Email: Gil [at]

  3. Hi! I have a large keloid on my chest from open heart surgery and I just started a blog documenting my journey to hopefully get rid of it! I would LOVE for you to follow my blog and we can support eachother along this what seems like impossible journey! :)

    1. Hi Cristi!
      I read your blog, and man! is it inspiring. You've inspired me to continue to seek treatment for my chest keloid.

      It's been a year since my surgery and unfortunately, my scar has returned. I couldn't afford to keep visiting my doctor because when I graduated from college, my health insurance benefits ended.

      You're right. Our journey does seem impossible, but we need to have faith. We can't give up.

  4. Hi blogger, Not sure what your name is, but I was glad to read your blog on Keloids. I too have a keloid on my chest which I didnt bother for years. (I got it when I was 22 I guess and now am 30). I sure now want to treat them since its really awkward. I am trying to find out various possible treatments and hope would get success like you.
    I guess you are completely cured now and if so please happily record your last post so that readers like me will have a good motivation to start the treatment.

    1. Hi Vasuda,

      Unfortunately, I am not completely cured. It is absolutely important to keep up with follow up appointments. For me, it was hard because I do not have health insurance---so I could not afford my doctor visits. I do have faith that surgery, followed by injections could help.

      I am planning on getting treatment again for my scars.

      Please let me know how your scar is progressing. I would love to hear your story.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi,

    I stumbled upon your site while surfing for information regarding keloid infection. I've got one similar to yours; dead center on the chest, oriented horizontally, and slightly larger. Over the last few days, it started itching more than usual, then became downright painful and swollen, growing from mostly flat to a near-tubular cross section. Last night I noticed dark splotches near the surface. Using the tip of an x-acto blade, I gave it a small cut and OMG! Squeezing the thing like a tube of toothpaste produced memorable amounts of blood and pus. Blech! I think I got most of the glop out and, as of today, the scar is no longer pulling and painful, but is still somewhat inflamed and slightly larger than normal. I hope it was drained well enough to recover, although I now know that the infections tend to recur over time.

    Anyway, can you post some updated pics of yours? Your surgical removal looks to have gone well. After my recent incident, I'm again considering getting the thing frozen/lazed/chopped/irradiated or otherwise treated. Any real-world feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks, and good luck.

    -Greg (Don't know why Google doesn't know my name. They seem to know everything else about me!)

    1. Hi Greg,

      I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I had surgery last year in October, and I had a few follow up appointments...and then I graduated from University---which meant that I no longer had health insurance so I couldn't afford to keep visiting my doctor :/

      Unfortunately, my keloid scar came back. It looks like it did the morning before surgery.

      However, I do have faith. I do believe that my surgery would have worked if I kept up with my follow-up appointments. I would like to start my treatment process again.

      Please let me know how you're doing, how your scar is progressing, if you've started seeing a doctor?

      Because there is so little known out there about our scars, I think it's important to help each other out as much as possible.

      I will try to keep this blog as updated as I can.


  7. Hey, I have had 3 surgical removals of a chest scar each time it came back... So i recommend doing a surgery only if you do a few things.

    -Wear a Bioclusive tape. It is a pad but 3"x4" that is tape so once you get your surgery cover it with the tape for a year. yes a Year. I did 3 months and as soon as i stopped it spread and got lumpy. Sad i know... it's easy to use lasts for about 1-2 weeks and is cheap and effective. Like i said 1 year. Please do that.
    -3 days before your surgery go on a juice fast. Sounds crazy but your body heals so much better and it is just good for you in general. I did a 5 day juice fast and my scar lightened and flattened then as i resumed my normal diet it resumed to its normal self, ugly. But if you start right away your scar will have a tremendously better outcome, i am sure of it. i would have done it had i known. But, id fast from 2 weeks to a month if you can. The longer the better. Do some research on this if you are unsure. But after fasting i truly believe in its power. And i am 25 year old male who ate taco bell everyday.
    -I have heard ScarGuard works well, i might try that.
    -Iodine, seems to work but very slow. noticed slight flattening, but difficult to apply.
    -IOdine internally. Drink iodine everyday before the surgery helps healing a lot. Research iodine, so much info on it out there. Look up DR. DAVID DERRY KELOIDS REGENERATION

    These are the only things i can think at the moment as i am in my 8th year battling this shit. Be strong. And let me know if this helps. I wouldnt do injections, didnt help me. Id say follow up with the doc for a lil. But, try my advice.

    _bioclusive for a year, Best advice i have
    Fast before and during for the first month at least. SECOND BEST ADVICE
    Iodine supplementation topically and orally.

  8. Keloids happen from the overgrowth of scar tissue. Keloids Symptoms happen at a site of previous skin damage. Natural Herbs Clinic is a resource where you can easily obtain Keloids Natural Treatment without any side effects.

  9. Awesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post. Also check my post for Keloid Treatment in Dubai
