Tuesday, March 9, 2021

7 weeks post keloid revision surgery


I am now 7 weeks post surgery and I've had my ups and downs with the healing process. After the surgery, my surgical site was covered by steri-strips. After 4 weeks, my bandages were taken off and replaced by embrace scar therapy bandages. These bandages control the tension on the scar, which helps to prevent my scar from stretching and growing. After wearing the embrace bandages for 2 weeks, my skin was getting irritated because of the wrinkles in the tape so the doctor and PA advised me to use biocorneum gel for a week. This allowed my skin to breath, air out, and heal from the sticky bandages.

I just visited the doctor's office again this morning, and they wanted me to try embrace again to see if it would help again. 

Without embrace scar therapy:

With embrace scar therapy:


I've had really positive experiences with my new care team and they have been diligent about checking my scars weekly to make sure that it's not forming another keloid. The doctor thinks we'll be able to tackle the bottom chest keloid as well once the first one heals.