My doctor prescribed cordran tape to maintain my scars from getting too out of hand, and it really helps to keep my scars from getting bulky! I’ve noticed that when I use the tape, it slows the growth process of my scars and usually also helps with the itching.
However, the tape needs to be cut exactly like the shape of my scars—so everyday I would have to customize my tape by cutting it exactly to size! However, since my doctor recently asked me to use the tape everyday, replacing it every 12 hours—I found some short cups to make this process less annoying,
I can’t belive I didn’t think of this sooner! What I’m doing nowadays is pre-cutting my tape. I use a stencil so the tape is the same shape as my scars. Because they are pre-cut, I’m more likely to keep up with using the tape everyday instead of having to cut it to shape everyday. I pre-cut about 2 weeks worth of the Cortran tape.
Anyway. Cutting the tape was really the most annoying part—it would leave little bits of paper everywhere and stick to my scissors and pre-cutting it makes everyday a little easier. Hope this helps anyone who’s also having to use cordran tape