Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Losing hope

During my last treatment, my doctor told me that she thought it was best that we take a break from treatments. My scar didn't seem to be improving, and she didn't know what else we could do.
She suggested that I seek radiation therapy as my next approach but because I'm still 25 (and want kids in my future), radiation isn't for me. It weighed on me heavily on what I should do. Radiation therapy might not work, and I'd be risking a whole lot...

Since my last doctor's visit, my scar had seemed to improve tremendously. Even the edges are starting to flatten. I really want to continue cortison injections, but my doctor wants me to take a 3 month break. I am a little worried because now that I am seeing improvements, I don't want to give up. I don't feel very supported by my doctor but I don't have very many options because I can't afford to see anyone else. I'm sad because she's been there since my surgery, and I feel as if she's losing hope for my scar. 

Trying to stay positive when I have negative energy around me. I need to believe that my scar will heal. 

For now, cortison tape and silicon sheets 24 hours.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Current treatment:
Steroid injections bi monthly
Followed by constant tapes and sheeting on scars
12 hours with cortison tape
12 hours with silicon sheets
Switch every twelve hours

I sleep in my silicon sheet and go to work with my cortison tape.

This is me getting ready for bed (silicon sheets pictured below)