Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm back...


It's been about a year since my surgery, and my scar is back :(

Super itchy. Super shiny. Super painful and annoying as ever.

When I graduated from college, I lost my health insurance and could no longer pay for my doctor visits.
Because I could not afford it, I stopped my scar treatments and follow-up appointments.

I came back to blogger, and was very inspired by my commenters.
There is so little research and information about keloids out there, but this also means that there are A LOT of people out there who want to know more about keloids! Because of the responses that I've gotten from sharing my story...I am inspired to keep sharing. We deserve it.

If there is a treatment that works, I want to share it. If there is a treatment that hasn't worked, I want to share it.

Thank you for sharing your story and for reading mine.